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John Lewis & Partners is the top retailer launched in 1929 in London, UK. It is Uk’s biggest multi-brand retail chain store. Their product category includes clothing, shoes, furniture, home & garden, home appliance, electronics, baby & child, sports & fitness, travel, gifts and many more from renowned brands. At John Lewis & Partners employees are considered ‘owners’.This is the reason thay are called partners, each one of the employees shares its success and this is what sets John Lewis & Partners apart from other businesses. They all are committed to going above and beyond to offer the quality products and outstanding service to the customers. They are now operating in 51 stores throughout England, Scotland and Wales. They offer the best reasonable price, free delivery on £50 and over in the UK and a convenient refund policy to satisfy you by all means. Visit John Lewis & Partners to find a happy place for superior products and service.